Proven Hiring Process

Our thorough hiring process takes you from start to finish and helps you find the RIGHT people.

Award Winning Systems

Starting a new business is hard but with proven systems that are easy to follow, it can be done.

Bookings and Follow Up

Never let a client fall through your fingertips. We will take you from A-Z and get them booked!

Numbers Matter

Know what numbers are important to your business and how you are performing at all times.


We are a team. We have open communication and are always building and growing. The sky is not the limit. We are here for you when you need us. Whether it be a bad review or difficult staff, we've been there. We got you.

Regular meetings and 24/7 platforms that keep you in touch with those who can help.

Brand Recognition



  • Plan a chat

    First things first!  We can plan a video or phone call so you can ask ALL of the questions.  We are an open book and want you to know everything before making a decision.

  • Make a plan

    Your road map to success is important and unique to you. You'll be in the driver's seat but we will help you navigate and set goals along the way. 

  • Pick a territory

  • Set aside TWO weeks

    Be sure to set aside TWO weeks of training. One week in our field and the other in office. 

  • Pick a launch date

  • Cross the t's.

    Plan to succeed. We can roll ahead with marketing or progress with more training if you feel it's needed. Nerves are good but we will make sure you have all the skills in place before day 1! 

Professional Marketing

Before getting set up, take a peak at our facebook and instagram pages. Do you like what you see? That is US. We are always open, transparent and a little bit sassy. We only hold back as much as we need to and our clients love us for it. 

  • Timed Facebook Posts

    Alex is a permanent member of the Lathered Team. She stays ahead of posts and keeps our look consistent. The only part we ask of you is to localize your page by keeping up on current events in your area and responding appropriately.

  • Quarterly Campaigns

    Tailored email campaigns to your client base. We create one large campaign and then help you alter it to suit your city and your needs along with your goals!  

  • Guidance on Social Media

    Are you feeling like you can take on more clients? Let's boost an ad! Or maybe you need to hire? We have an ad for that too! Tried, tested and true results based on YOUR numbers. We will guide you through what is needed so you are always prepared!

Join for THE TEAM


The team and camaraderie is second to none. Always an inspiring word or room on a shoulder to lean on when needed. Sound advice as we have all been there or are about to be there and sometimes nine heads are better than one. Feedback and sounding boards are not only welcomed but utilized OFTEN! 


Kristin Verbeek & Meghan Peters



Brandy Roy

Social Media & Marketing Guru

Alex Snider


Lisa Hook


Kristyn Vekved


Catherine Raynor

System Managment & Calgary Manager

Lisa Hamilton

It is truly amazing what having a fierce group of women in your corner will do. Cheering for you, challenging you and trusting you to be the best you possible.

Lisa Hamilton

Office Manager, Lathered Calgary

The Details and Office Training

Creative Mind & Social Media Guru

We had a purpose before anyone had an opinion but the fact that these opinions are this amazing truly means we are living our purpose and continue to fulfill our "why".

Kristyn Vekved

Owner/Franchisee, Lathered Cochrane

Lisa Hamilton

Office Manager Lathered Calgary

We like to share everything but there sure it a LOT. If you have a question that you don't see listed below or something doesn't quite make sense, throw it at us! We are happy to help! 

What are the costs entailed?

What ongoing fees are there?

How long is the commitment?

Why not just start my own cleaning company?

Will Lathered help with training and hiring?

What if I want to use toxic cleaning supplies?

Tell us where! We'll come with you!

© Copyrights by Lathered Cleaning. All Rights Reseved.